Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Hey everyone. My name is Aldamira Rose (Lambert) Blakeney. I just recently got married, and I have yet to change my name here at the school, but by all other accounts, I’m Rose Blakeney. I am a Music Education major here at Henderson State University, but I am hoping to receive my Master’s degree in either Music Therapy, or Elementary Music. I’m from Malvern, Arkansas. I attended school in the Malvern School District from 3rd grade until my senior year of high school. Before then, I lived in Murrieta, California. I was born in San Diego, California. My parents decided to move to Arkansas in hopes of buying their own house, and also for improving my brother’s health. Speaking of my brother, while I have six siblings total, (3 brothers and 3 sisters), I have a younger brother with cerebral palsy who is one of my very best friends. Along with his C.P., my brother also had terrible allergies to smog and dust, which is everywhere in southern California, so moving here gave him a break from that. So again, speaking of my brother, I currently work as a “Home-Health” aid at my parent’s house, taking care of him. I had to take classes and receive basic training, but I get to take care of him in the afternoons and visit with my parents, which is nice. To bring this whole story full circle, as I’ve worked with my brother over the years, I've had the chance to see first-handed how much music effects his life. He cannot speak or walk, but when music comes on that my brother enjoys, he lights up. This is where I first became interested in becoming a music therapist, but since I’ve been here at Henderson, I’ve learned that I also really enjoy teaching, and it seems that I happen to be pretty good at it. So as of right now, my future is still ambiguous, but I’m doing what I love, and following where my heart takes me. As for my blog, I liked the idea of creating a blog simply so that I can keep all of my thoughts and ideas organized! Here I will be posting ideas that come to me, teaching methods that I create, and hopefully a bunch of useful links and other tools!